Sunday, 29 July 2007

Week 13 - Dandelion growing by a wall

If, like me, you have a crappy patch of lumpy, weed-strewn lawn attached to your property, you've probably had to face this troubling ethical dilemna: do dandelions deserve to die?

THE CASE FOR THE DEFENCE - "The root of the dandelion plant is believed to have mild laxative effects and is often used to improve digestion. Research suggests that dandelion root may improve the health and function of natural bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Studies have also reported that dandelion root may help improve liver and gallbladder function."

THE CASE FOR THE PROSECUTION - "Hippies use them to make wine."

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Week 12 - Toilet bowl (with toilet cleaner)

Just look at the pretty patterns. You know, my mother used to say that life was like a partially cleaned toilet - there's always some more shit hiding round the bend. Dentists recommend that you change your toilet brush every three months, but I also want to stress to you all just how important it is to get right under the rim - not just when you're cleaning a toilet, but in life generally.

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Week 11 - Dead plant on a bookshelf

When I saw the state of this plant I nearly called the Samaritans. My God, what a depressing sight. My officemate had this defenceless piece of greenery on her shelf for four days before she killed it. I've never seen a cyclamen fall off the perch in that kind of timescale before. How the hell did she manage it? I have no idea but the really worrying thing is that she's now pregnant. I've already got social services on speed dial.

Sunday, 8 July 2007

Week 10 - Really big red rubber band

It's often the little things which impress us the most. When I saw this big rubber band I knew that it was something special. I said to myself "Wow, that's a really big rubber band". I know you won't be able to see how big it is in the photograph, but trust me it's big. I'd say that it's certainly the biggest one I've ever seen.