Sunday, 27 May 2007

Week 8 - Portrait of James Dean next to a curtain

Wall art is so important. Whoever you are, wherever you go, however desperate your life becomes and however low you sink, please just say 'no' to faux suede covered box canvases (especially when they come in packs of three). Together we can fight this evil.

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Week 7 - Knob on a wardrobe

There are all kinds of knobs in the world. Some of them are big. Some of them are small. Some of them are well polished. Some of them are not. See how many knobs you can spot when you get to the office tomorrow.

Saturday, 12 May 2007

Week 6 - Back of a bus seat

The joys of public transport - screaming underclass babies, other people's chewing gum, mad pensioners and the inevitable empty Lucozade bottle rolling around on the floor. If the smelly fat man with dandruff and an arse that's actually wider than the bus itself sits down next to the horrified teenage girl instead of you consider it a good journey.

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Week 5 - Wet paper towel sticking out of a bin

Guaranteed to bring back unsettling memories of primary school toilets, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the classic paper towel. It's not really a towel but it'll just have to do.